The Importance of Informed Consent in Mississippi

In Mississippi, informed consent is the foundation of the patient-doctor relationship. It empowers patients to make informed decisions about their medical care and protects their autonomy. However, informed consent goes beyond simply signing a form before a procedure. It’s a process where a healthcare professional thoroughly explains a proposed treatment, including its benefits, risks, and…

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Is Inadequate Aftercare Considered Medical Malpractice?

Aftercare is the type of medical care that is usually provided to a patient after they undergo a medical surgery, procedure, or treatment. For example, after surgery, the patient is typically monitored in the recovery room for a few hours to ensure that the surgery was successful and that no complications are present. Most of…

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All Pregnant Women Must Be Tested for Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C can cause a lot of long-term damage, especially to the liver. Pregnant women must be especially careful, because it can be spread to the baby in utero. A news article published by MedPage Today LLC states that there has been a tremendous increase in pregnant women being diagnosed with hepatitis C from 1998…

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Why Is Sepsis a Life-Threatening Condition?

Our bodies are remarkable when it comes to defending against illnesses and healing from injuries. Our immune system is like a vigilant army, ready to fend off invading pathogens and repair damaged tissues. Most of the time, it does an incredible job, and we recover from infections and injuries with relative ease. However, sepsis is…

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How Cerebral Palsy Affects Lives into Adulthood

More and more adults are living with cerebral palsy because kids with cerebral palsy are surviving and growing up. These adults still need medical care to watch over their health and manage their condition. As they get older, they can have other health problems like muscle and bone issues, trouble swallowing, and difficulties in social…

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Medical Malpractice and the Risks of Anesthesia

While anesthesia can be a wonderful tool during surgeries, it also comes with several potential risks and complications. In fact, one simple error or mistake made by an anesthesiologist or medical professional can lead to long-term, permanent consequences, such as brain damage, cardiac arrest, permanent nerve damage, chronic pain, and even death. While many doctors…

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Why Maternal Hypertension Is So Serious

Maternal hypertension, a condition characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy, poses significant health risks to both the mother and the child. Beyond the medical implications, maternal hypertension also carries legal implications that should not be overlooked. Maternal hypertension encompasses various conditions, including gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. Gestational hypertension refers to the onset of high…

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Examples of Chiropractic Malpractice

Chiropractic care has become increasingly popular in recent years as an alternative to traditional medical treatments. While many chiropractors provide excellent care to their patients, there are instances where their actions can cause harm. Chiropractic malpractice occurs when a chiropractor fails to provide the appropriate standard of care, resulting in injury or harm to the…

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