Managing Cerebral Palsy: A Guide for Parents

Discovering that your child has cerebral palsy can be overwhelming and emotional. This type of diagnosis is never easy to accept as it sets families on a long path of needing treatment and medical care. However, your child needs you to be strong and find ways to provide them the best possible future. As a…

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Birth Injury Cases Involving Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of permanent movement disorders that arise from damage to the developing brain, often before or during birth. While some cases have no identifiable cause, a significant portion are linked to preventable medical errors. In these situations, families may have legal recourse through a birth injury lawsuit. Cerebral palsy affects…

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What Are Cranial Nerve Injuries?

There are 12 sets of cranial nerves which lead from the brain to other parts of the body. A cranial nerve injury, therefore, is an injury to one of those 12 sets of nerves. Cranial nerve injuries can affect both adults and infants. However, most of the time, adults experience cranial nerve injuries because of…

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The Dangers of Medical Malpractice During a Birth

Having a baby is meant to be a happy and joyous occasion as new life is being brought into the world. When that moment is taken from us through some measure of malpractice, there is hardly anything more devastating and enraging. Medical malpractice can lead to terrible injuries and long lasting-complications for the child. Not…

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What Is the Most Common Birth Injury for Newborns?

No parent wants to see their brand new infant suffer, and certainly not from a major birth complication. And while birth injuries have vastly declined in the past few decades, the statistics are still significant and can be quite scary. Bringing a new human into the world comes with risks, and there are a number…

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Study Finds Birth Injuries Can Affect the Mother/Child Relationship

When we think about the long-term effects that birth injuries have on babies and mothers, we typically think about the physical or tangible effects. Very rarely, however, do we consider the intangible or emotional impact that birth injuries cause for babies and mothers, especially in terms of relationship development. The MASIC Foundation, an organization dedicated…

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How to Identify Seizures in Babies

Childbirth is life-changing and amazing for families, but it does have its own risks. From dying from complications of childbirth to potentially having an umbilical cord wrapped around the baby’s neck, there are several scenarios where the mother can suffer life-threatening complications or – maybe even worse – the baby can suffer birth injuries. A…

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Childbirth and Long-Term Trauma Often Go Hand in Hand

Every mother worries about how the delivery of the newborn will go. The prayer is that the child will be perfect and lead a happy life. The worry is that numerous things can go wrong in the delivery room. When OB/GYNs, midwives, or others involved in the birth process make mistakes or fail to communicate…

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