What Is a Subdural Hematoma?

A subdural hematoma is bleeding on the brain that occurs due to a serious brain injury. This condition can negatively impact a person’s life in various ways. For example, depending on how serious the brain injury and bleeding is, the individual could have lost necessary functions within the brain and body, lost much needed income…

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What Is a Diffuse Axonal Brain Injury?

Most of us know that protecting your head in dangerous situations is priority number one, and while sometimes we can manage to do that – such as wearing helmets when bicycling or playing sports – we are not always in a position to protect ourselves at all. A head injury can happen almost anywhere, but…

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Comedian Bob Saget Dies Due to Head Trauma

Comedian Bob Saget died tragically in January 2022. His death was likely due to head trauma, according to a Florida medical examiner. Saget was best known as the warm, caring father on the TV sitcom Full House and as a clever, witty host of America’s Funniest Home Videos. He leaves behind a wife and three…

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Neck and Brain Trauma from Mississippi Truck Accidents

The highways are dangerous, often full of all sorts of vehicles that weave between large and small cars and trucks all the same. Drivers who are texting, inebriated, or otherwise distracted don’t realize that not only are they putting themselves at risk, but also those around them. They don’t realize how long some of their…

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Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: Not Just for Pro Athletes

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, is brain degeneration believed to be caused by repeated trauma to the head. Although CTE remains mostly a mystery to doctors and researchers, we do know it can only be diagnosed post-mortem and tends to appear in athletes who played contact sports, or military personnel exposed to loud explosives. However,…

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Brain Injuries in Sports: What Women Should Know

As women’s sports steal more of the spotlight, especially during the most recent Olympics, more female athletes are sharing their experiences of dealing with traumatic brain injuries. One of athlete brave enough to share her struggle is Sue Lopez, the first semi-professional female football player in the 1970s, who now lives with dementia as a…

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Catastrophic Brain Injury – In Their Own Words

Victims of a car accident, fall, act of violence, or sports injury who suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) need all types of physical help. They need to be treated by neurosurgeons, pain management doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and many other health providers. For emotional and behavioral help, they may need to…

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